Friday, 21 December 2012

Cryptic laws of India…

Where on the world are we living in?

Once I was proud and happy to name it as INDIA… And still I am in some situations. But the recent trend of few culprits has made me think of where I was living all these years…

Incident 1:

2 women was tied up in the middle of the street and beaten for trying to steal from a house. They were beaten severely by the citizens and the media covered them getting beaten and finally after half a day of punishment they were handed to the police.

Incident 2:

As you all know, a young girl of 23 was been raped by a gang of 6 men on a running bus and she is in comma after 2 major surgeries. And the culprits were caught and provided with long term imprisonment.  
These are the two incidents which made me fear of living in this country for sure. What is the kind of law do we follow in this country? Are we still having any right to claim India as a Democratic country which servers FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND TO THE PEOPLE… I seriously doubt it…

With regard to the first incident:

When there is a huge corruption or theft happening with regard to the 2G spectrum issue in India there wasn’t any single citizen who had the guts to catch the person responsible for that corruption and punish him. Everyone was watching the television and exclaiming about the loop holes in our Indian law which made those culprits escape from the verdict of law. But the coward citizens have caught 2 women who tried to loot and had beaten them so hard. Is this the place to show your guts? By beating tat 2 women do these men think they have lifted up India to a step forward? NEVER…

With regard to the second incident:

Hell no!!! I do live in a place where a girl has no freedom even to travel alone in a private bus that too in the capital of India. Bharathiyar, the great poet, said the freedom of India can be celebrated only when a young girl is allowed to walk in the road in midnight with full of jewels and her virginity kept safe till she returns to her home. But that man and his sayings are never gonna become true in our holistic country. Each and every day the urge for unrealistic body pleasure is growing more in the minds of Indian men. What has caused such a degrading  change to our society? Hell only the GOD knew it… 

After this big crime a culprit finds himself guilty and shameful for doing do and he wished to be hanged. Ha ha ha what a joke… Is he making fun of the Indian constitution who works with the very old laws and says that the law cannot be changed for few crimes and so they cannot be hanged and instead has offered them a long term imprisonment or is he making fun of himself saying he feels guilty once when he enjoyed the act of rapping an unknown girl along with his mates just to show himself in the eyes of the people that he has done the act without his knowledge or whatever the so called reason it is. And after all these the media or the police are not even trying to leak out even a single picture of those culprits and trying to hide them which shows the importance the government gives to the citizens of its country.

What kind of constitution is ours? Is there any law that when a person is caught for a small theft can be beaten up by the citizens themselves and when some rich men was caught in a very huge loot can be given freedom with so many excuses???

And if a girl is been raped by a gang of men and when the citizen’s claim for hanging as the punishment for the crime, there comes the human rights commission saying awkward reasons in saving the culprits saying them as mere human beings. I do need to ask these people of human rights commission 1 question… If the same girl has been your daughter/sister/wife would you be coming up to speak the same way to save those culprits from hanging??? Whatsoever is the case there must be at-least a bit of integrity to be maintained by both the government of India and the human rights commission.

And its been 5days the students have started to protest against this issue but still no improvement and there has been 3 more incidents of such rape has taken place in our country which clearly shows that India is no more a place for women to live in peacefully. Its in the hands of the women to take good care of them and safeguard them from the perverts and no law or constitution in India is going to be changed to help the women community.

This is not the first incident happening in Delhi and in whole of India and it is also not going to be the last incident…

Being a citizen of India I am least proud in posting this… 

Sunday, 12 August 2012

A transition...

Hello people!!!

I have finally joined in my aspiring course MSW (Masters of Social Work). I was having so many ideas running through my mind once I got relieved from my job. But since my childhood I was aspiring to become a social worker and once when I grew up I found MSW as a course which concurs with my long-lasting wish.

As a result of it obviously I went for an admission with MSW course and waiting for the college to get started with a new phase of my life. This is how I was thinking until I joined this course. But in this few days of time I realized few totally diverse thoughts about me and my ideas and guess this was really a transaction phase of my life. The few questions that I asked myself are:
      What am I really gonna do by learning this course?
       Am I gonna do social service to the people through this learning process?
       But why can’t I do it by being in some other work?
       Is it really necessary to stop working and go in for learning?
      And by learning this will I be able to serve people better?

I was such a naïve for all these days and even now. I am really not able to take a right decision I guess. But what so ever be the result is I have decided to go on with my studies and once decision is made there must not be any looking back. And the answers for these questions are:
      I always thought of helping and serving people. But never really had chance to do it nonchalantly. Though I am basically a person who would go for help voluntarily and at times I even put in few extra taken for fulfilling my wishes by going to orphanages and old age homes, I have no clear approach of how to move with people and handle all kind of people by handling my work with service and it directed me to minor time utilization for my obsession of serving. So by joining this course I would not have any work related stress and with some extra time usage I would be able to concentrate on my passion and make myself fit in right along with it. 
    Service basically doesn’t depend on the work or place or time a person is in. But it’s the effort he puts in whole heartedly in serving to his fellow people right from his own family and friends. Though I knew these well, I still wanted to make myself dedicated to my passion than running around for unrealistic money which weighs human beings these days despite of a persons character, love and affection towards each other even though they are our own family. 

Being a girl I have limited space to move on in this society but being a human being I have this whole world to wrap it under my love and affection. Thus this is quiet a transition in my life.
Your valuable suggestions are always accepted whole heartedly…

Wish me luck guys!!! 

Sunday, 5 August 2012

A tribute to my friendship...

Hello all!!!

Friendship is the 2nd best thing which will happen to each and every living things on this earth next to our parents... Even animals celebrate a great deal of friendship than human beings apart from all kinds of selfishness, greediness, back bitings, fake affections and betrayals...

Though my life is a fusion of all such good and bad friendships, I do feel happy for being a girl who still believes in the word FRIENDSHIP and so as the persons called FRIENDS...

I have to offer a ton of thanks to my friends who made my world so special and who are still holding a special place in my heart...

  • My first and best childhood friend "Karpagam"
  • My first friend in my school and still she is ma good friend "Kaviya"
  • A friend who was close for around 5 years and gave me a life long pain in my heart (I still treasure your friendship da) "Kowsalya"
  • A friend who accepted me as I am and never bargained for anything with my Friendship "Anita, Ambica, Malathi, Saranya"
  • A friend who helped me a lot when am in great stress (Though am not in contact with you I still love you and will treasure your friendship till my death dear) "Vimala"
Though there are lots more friends to wish for their valuable friendship, these few friends made my life to live as i am today... Thanks a ton to you all... Love you all buddies :) :) :) 

On this friendship day, its MAYA wishing you all a HAPPY & JOYOUS FRIENDSHIP DAY with all those good old memories we had with our friends which makes our life beautiful to live on... 

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Silly plea’s of a naive

“Ma I feel like I’ve got fever”

“Ma I feel like vomiting”

“Ma I have severe stomach ache”

“Ma I feel dizzy”

And the list of my Silly plea’s gets extended each and every day until I have completed my 10th grade at school. I was a below average student until my 10th grade and I was the best example of a student who wants to get away from that student life which was considered to be a HELL by most of the students and myself as well.

The above given are few reasons or excuses I would quiet often give my mother in order to stay at home. But who might not know about us and our silly excuses. My mother was such a clever women who would never make me take leave on even special occasions.

“Its ok dear. I’ll give u tablet for fever and you’ll be okay in a fraction of minute”

“Oh… Is it so… Don’t worry betti… I’ll give the kashayam and you won’t ever feel vomiting”

These are the instant answers she might have for making me stop acting and go off to school the next second as am not really interested in taking medicines and some kashayam’s which would taste like some mud.

Apart from these there are so many silly reasons I have said to my mother, and when I get to remember those now, I can’t stop laughing over my innocence and stupidity.

Once I was asked to get something from my relative who lives in the next street. And I reached their home around 11 in the morning. They have two kids and me being a girl who loves to play was so happy seeing them and forgot the reason why I went there and instead I started playing with them. The time rolled over and it was around 2 in the afternoon when my mother came to their home searching for me. That’s it. I was into a big shock seeing my mother because only then I remembered the reason I have went there. The next minute I started crying with fear and ran towards her saying “Ma, they only made me to play with them. I was not at all playing, I was simply looking at them play” like that and lots more silly blah blah’s which my mother was least cared of listening to those. And you might have guessed the beatings and scolding’s I would have got from my lovable mother.

Many such silly plea’s are stored in each and every single of our memories making those moments a treasure chest to be kept safe throughout our lives… But we are grown up and these days there are no silly plea’s instead there is lies, hatred, commands and arguments which makes every single of our relationship like a wrecked ship. And everyone of us are searching for ways of handling our relationships and guess we would get the answers soon.

Have a lovely week ahead with your dear and near ones J

Saturday, 9 June 2012

The slight contour flanked by relationships

There was a time were people are bound together with intimacy among their relationships. India was once been celebrated for its traditions and cultures which are our basic traits. But along with the years the culture and tradition changed too. There is no love, care or affection left in most of the human’s heart and instead rivalry, selfishness and vengeance took over their minds and hearts making them stay away from their relatives and traditions. I have been witnessing the fact of this shifting culture for the past few decades.

There are many foreigners who are obsessed with the rich culture and traditions of India which brings them to India. But we Indians have started being mesmerized with the foreign culture and started living according to it which is not acceptable in India. But still the change happens every second and guess there won’t be any so-called-culture in our India.

But am not to speak of any cultural differences of cultural changes here. This post is all about a brother-sister relationship and how it bloomed and how it was forced to get it withered by itself with my true story as a depiction. And yes, it was the post out of my severe pain which I got to undergo from this relationship.


On one sunny morning, in the month of March, I came out from my mother’s womb breathing my first wheeze of air. And I found all my relatives surrounding me and some whispered sadly or I being a girl and some were extremely happy for getting a child what so ever be it, a girl or boy. Right then I found that I was been lifted by a handsome guy in his teens lifting me with so much of love, care and affection. It was my brother, my first cousin. And I was attracted to him on the first sight as like a love at first sight.


I was entering my school for the first time in my whole life for my kinder garden. I was not aware of what exactly a school would look like. I was dropped in school with my mother and brother. I was happy in wearing a white shirt with blue skirt along with a new bag, books, water bottle, snack box and all kind of weird stuffs which made me feel happy. But once I was left into my class by my brother, I thought he would stay up with me even in school and play as like he would play with me at home. But he left me and went out of the class which was not I have expected. The next instance I burst into crying for my mother and brother. And then onwards my brother would not come to leave me at school as he would say that he doesn’t have strength in looking at me crying at him like that.


This was the year I was left alone at my home. My brother would never come to visit me often anymore as he would do before. He would not be there to play hide n seek with me, to lift me and run around my house, to buy me chocolates and macaroons which are my favorites those days and finally he will not be there not to make me feel alone. He was moving out of town for his graduation and that was when I started missing him so much. Days passed and years passed too. He would come home during his holidays with a huge pack of chocolates and macaroons and would take me for shopping and would buy all sorts of toys I would ask for and would play with me the whole time and will move out once I went to sleep as I would never leave him if I were awake. 


It was then, I was been promoted to my fifth grade. And my brother has completed his graduation and got placed in a reputed concern in Hydrebad, and he was always the topper in his class. Then this was the time I stated missing him really more than ever. Its because he would not even come to visit me once in a month. The visits got limited to once in 3months. And on one such visits by him, I was been asked to bring my parents for my monthly meet with my teachers. I was happy that my brother is here and I wanted only my brother to come with me to school this time. And once he came and attended the meeting, I was in my seventh cloud and I was been speaking about him and his talents and his very lovable character for all the year through which would have made my friends got irritated off. But I would have never ever cared off then.


I have started writing letters to my brother every now and then. And my brother would be very proud of me and my way of writing letters him in English which he would say to each and every relative of ours. He used to send printed greetings of his own for my birthdays with a big letter and I still have those treasures in my treasure box as those are my most valuable possessions.


And finally it’s the time for his inclination in his career. Yes, he was offered a job in United states and he has to move on. But then I had a kind of fear in my heart which was kind of weird and I was not able to express anything about it to anyone. But I literally cried when my brother took off to U.S in his flight and I spent few days crying to sleep by thinking about my brother. I am not going to see him even once in a year anymore. L


This was the time when I was having a myriad of emotions which I was not able to handle being a girl of 16. My brother is getting married! I was the happiest person on earth when I heard of this news and on the other said there was some kind of sadness of grief that my brother is not going to be my brother anymore as he is going to begin his own life. But I did really missed him all these years and I’m sure gonna miss him lot in future too. His marriage and reception was the one which I could not still remember even though how hard I try. It might be some kind of selective amnesia I guess or it could be like I was not physically present in that wedding as my heart was screaming out of pain that my brother is not gonna be my brother anymore.


Its been years that my brother spoke with me or my family. He started living his own life and I guess we were living in a place which is a region out of focus. He was living his life as if we haven’t even existed. I tried calling him and I was replied by my anni who said he’s not available and will inform him. But he never returned any of my calls. Days passed by and I was going to complete my under graduation when one fine day my so-called brother contacted us to inform that he is a proud father of a girl child. And I was happy about his achievement but not happy about his defeat in showing some love towards his loved ones.


A very long and unfilled gap between us and my brother made me feel as if I didn’t have a brother at all in my life. A phone call of 2 times was the least thing he did to us. And no answers for our calls or no response for my mails either. And finally came a day when he called to inform that he has come to India and he would like to visit us. My parents were happy about this though they had their story of pain in his behavior to be said. But I on the other side was not happy at that instance. But the care and affection I had for my brother made me so curious and I started preparing things for making him feel comfortable while he visits us.

I was ready with all my preparations from lunch to the arrangements for his stay which I did not leave my parents to interfere as this was the first time my brother is visiting me after I have all grown up. I was nervous all the day and I was working with a high tense as if it is a life-or-death assignment. And finally I had my brother and his wife in our home around 2 in the afternoon. They didn’t bring their child saying that she is not interested to come out as its hot in India. I was quiet disappointed. I offered them fresh juice which was not accepted by them and they haven’t been interested in having their lunch either. And finally after a conversation of half-an-hour with a glass of water they started from my home.

I had a thought of having a brother who loved me, cared me, and soothed me even when I didn’t ask for. But now the whole scenario has changed. I was expecting atleast some love, care or affection from him as a basic sister’s rights, but I was provided with the greatest disappointment in my life. And I did break into pieces and what is left here is still some love on my brother and the pain of expecting something from a person.

And I did understand few things in relationships:

1. Not every relationship stays the way it was in the beginning forever.
2. The love among the relationships doesn’t stay the same in the continuous phase of life.
3. People tend to change when time and place gets changed.
4. When newer relationships enter into our life, the older relationships might get faded unnoticing.
5. And who knows, even I might get changed once if I happen to get my life partner, my children and my own family.
6. Finally, love should never turn out to be a drug whatsoever be the kind of relationship we are in, as it might start killing us gradually at certain bitter situations. 


Sunday, 27 May 2012

Innocent infancy and hard-hitting veracity!

Hello all!

I guess each one of us would have experienced some sort of “Stone age men” times which could only be during our childhood days. Its obviously true to everyone because that’s the time the technology in India was quiet lesser than other world countries and thus we haven’t had much exposure to most of the technologies.

But once we grow up the natural resource are still the same but we are least cared about getting out of our home and staying close with the nature which we make it an alternative for being in front of out latest technologies and spending our life as a living hell.

Here is a short narration of one of my childhood memories which I would like to share it with all of you. Interested??? Even if your not interested, do take part in my journey and I guess you’ll sure have your own memories refreshed at the end of this travel J

It was the end of the year 1995 and I was all panicking as its time for me to leave this school and get myself moved to the higher secondary school. I am a student of St.Joseph’s primary school which has the class upto 3rd standard and the students who complete 3rd are sent to their higher secondary which is totally on the different end of the city. I have been to the higher secondary few times during the annual day celebrations and I actually didn’t like it. It was huge and I felt I am in another world where I would never fit with.

My primary school is such a heaven. It is small with around 40 class rooms build with more space and each of the corridor is separated by a huge tree which bears an orange colored flower which is our main source of tool for playing. Each of our class would have a small tree in front and it would never be boring to stay there in that school which is fully surrounded by trees. And you can also find few classes to be situated like a den within the forest. It would be so fresh and cool even in the hot summer and once if you get into the school you would never desire to come out of it. I and my friends had such beautiful memories with those trees and I felt so bad to leave it and go to a place where there are very less trees and more of classes and people roaming around making it feel more like a distant land.

“Ai why is your face so dull di?” enquired my best pal Vinaya.

“No di… Today is our last day in this school la. Next year we must move on to our higher secondary school na. I don’t like that school. I like this school only. So only I am sad.”

“Hey Maya. Are you stupid? Today is the last day in this school. Look around you. Everyone are enjoying their last day and they are excited about the new school. How come you alone feel so idiotically?”

“Look Vinaya. You wont understand. I was always surrounded with trees and plants which are my closests buddies both in my home and school. I don’t have a brother or sister like others to accompany me while am playing. It was trees and my plants who accompanied me always. But now I cant take in the reality of going to a new school where there are less trees and more of people.”

“Maya. You are human being and not a tree. Remember it always. And we have seen the higher secondary school. There are also trees and plant and beautiful flowers which smells good. And you will find it good once you go there. Just stop worrying about things like this like grown up. We are still in 3rd grade. I am going to play with other under our tree. Are you coming?” asking so Vinaya started running towards the tree, Our tree.

“Yes. Wait up Vinu Am coming too” I followed her to the tree.

We played our Hide and Seek, Ring-a-ring-a-roses, Devil with long nails which is our favorite game and was going around scaring our classmates and had such a nice evening until we were picked up by our parents to home.

And I forgot about the whole thing about the higher secondary school and spent my entire three months vacation my roaming around our farm which is filled with coconut trees, Gooseberry trees, kodukkapuliangai tree, noongu tree and all other green leave. I always stayed up with my gooseberry tree as it was my favorite tree and a favorite fruit of mine for all time. I get up in the morning and take my brush and come over by the tree and sit beneath it and start day dreaming by collecting the fallen gooseberries and what to do with those and exclaiming over nature’s greatness seeing the various stages and growth phases of that gooseberry. I always love to eat a gooseberry which is half sweet which would be so delicious and a mouthwatering one.

And at last the holidays were over and I started having nightmares about my secondary school without trees, its shades, the smell and every little thing that is associated with a tree. But nothing could ever get changed except our thoughts. So I started wandering how the school might be and how the teachers and students out there would welcome us and so on. Finally the day had arrived and I was all set for going to my secondary school which is obviously like moving on from a small town to a metropolitan city.

Once I entered the school all I could search for was for how many trees are there actually. All I could find was a very few trees and many small plants which are kept for a making the school a pleasant atmosphere for every single eye. But is there any good with those plants? Nah… I could find nothing. But I found my new school doesn’t embarrass me much as I thought and I was easily accustomed to the new environment and its way of workings. I did understand that, in life everything happens for a reason and we must be flexible enough to adapt to the rapid changing environment with the increase of technologies which has turned to be a part of our human life unnaturally.  

As the time passes I find me getting adapted to the new school with lesser trees. And we have changed our house too due to the extra-long distance which I had to travel from my village. So now my new house has no trees either. Though I have started living a life without much trees around me, I still yearn for a nature filled environment which will be a better option for human beings to have a long-lasting and peaceful lifestyle.

P.S: I still spend some of my holidays in my village filled with trees, all my favorite trees, and I do have a nice time out there. Hope all you guys must have such visits over your childhood memories and the places and surroundings you’ve been missing in this busy daily lifestyle. Grow trees;Grow lifestyles.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Indeed a daring trip!

What do you guys think of staying in a forest without any real world exposure? Isn’t it a wonderful opportunity? Yes, indeed it is. I got such an opportunity to live in a forest where you might see long and thick tress making it look like a dense forest with houses situated between a distance of minimum 2kms.

It was in the year of 2002 when me and my sisters were on annual holidays at the month of April. So we were constantly pestering our parents to take us on a trip to some arctic place. Unable to stand over our pressure they planned to send us to one of our relative who is living in the hills of Attapadi, Kerala district.
My parents took us to the Coimbatore bus stand and we got a bus to the place called Anaikatti. It was really exciting for us as we have gathered all the favorable news from our parents regarding the place. We were expecting for a place like some Ooty or Kodaikanal as my mother said it will be greens everywhere and we could also feel a cool breeze of climate all through the day and so on. 

After taking up a travel around some 3 hours we reached that place and we found there only road and nothing else. On the sides we also found huge mountains with so many trees which would actually look like a thick forest during night times I thought. Then my parents hired a jeep from Anaikatti to the place Attapadi. And once we got into the jeep and started to travel I found the jeep heading towards a road amid the mountains and after a half an hour travel over the mountain we finally got down on a place where there is no more traces of any pathway and there was also no houses as far I could see. I felt a bit of fear running through my eyes and thought I am going to be dead during the night and decided to run with my mom once she starts.

Then my parents asked us to follow them in a single path which was with mud and there were so many bushes and trees where so many weird sounds were coming from and at one point of time we were walking in the midst of trees and only trees all around us. Even if someone kills us we could not get escaped from this place I thought. Then we suddenly came across a stream where the water was flowing just like the silvery threads with a sweet sound and the place was so calm without a single distraction and I could hear only the sound of the water flowing as a crystal clear.

We were still walking by crossing the stream in a crooked path and when the path is wet we were probably getting slipped down and struck deep within the mud which made us feel irritated and all our dress was a mess. Then after half an hour walk we finally saw a small hut which is where we are going to stay for a week. HELL NO I thought loud. I have never been in a hut before and after all these walk in this dense forest how could I stay there. Never!

We were greeted with full of smiles by the old grandma and grandpa who lived there all alone. And there was no electricity as well. And it slowly started to get dark outside the hut. We were sleeping tiil 7 p.m as we were quiet tired over our long walk in the woods. When I woke up I saw the hut was lit up with a kind of lantern and the dinner was kept ready. And know what? The rice they offered us was just so hard and big unlike our city rice. But in that hunger state I was not able to investigate all those things about the rice and so we speedily engulfed what was offered to us. And it was a high time that I have to pee. But I was really afraid to go out as I already heard those weird sounds of animals at night. So I asked for help from my mother and when I came out I was dumbstruck. It was pitch black and I could not make out even a single thing which is kept out there. A sudden sting of fear caught my nerves and I hurried inside the hut saying I will not go out. So that grandma accompanied me with the lantern and I was half-hearted and somehow came fast running back.

I was not able to sleep even for a minute as my entire heart and mind was like haunted. And suddenly around the midnight I heard a sudden thud of nice over the hut and as the seconds passes the sound was becoming faster. So I woke my mother and I was literally crying to her regarding the sound. And at that time the grandma got up and asked me come lets go and see like that. I was already in fear and when she called I said no. But she allegedly took me with her outside of the hut. And there I saw a big elephant and one small one standing and making those sounds. And when the elephants noticed the grandma coming it stopped making noise and came to the entrance of the hut and stood like a little child which made me astonish. The grandma gave some bananas and was speaking to the elephant as “hey can’t you see who has come to our home? It’s our relatives. See this kid is frightened hearing the sounds you made. So better be quiet for few more days and don’t disturb these kids ok” like that. I am not sure whether the elephant understood or not. But it was standing quiet in front of her and after she returned into the hut the elephants started moving back somewhere in the dark. It was an extra-ordinary scene which I could never see in my whole life.

The next day I said to my mother that I will not stay there alone and so asked them to stay that day alone and the next day we all can go back home. After so much of pleading my mother accepted and so me and my sisters were quiet happy. After having the breakfast the grandma said we can go to the stream for bath as the water would be clear and we could have some time to pass there. So we were happy about it and we took all our things and started with grandma.

After so many collapse due to the wet mud we finally reached the stream and found it such a mesmerizing scene and I really felt bad that I have forgotten to bring my cam to capture all these lovable memories. So we all started to play in the water which was flowing towards the stream and we were advised not to go near the slopping places of the stream as we might get slipped and get washed away with the force of the flowing water. So we were playing in the water safe and secured for more than an hour. In the midst of this the grandma asked me to take care of my sisters as she is going for getting jackfruit from the tree which is near to the stream. I too accepted it and we were playing happily and all of a sudden one my younger sister started screaming as SNAKE! SNAKE!

I was under a big shock seeing the snake which was around 4 to 5 feet in length and it came floating in the water and as we were playing in between the stream flow it hit my sisters leg first and passed to my other sister and rounded her leg slowly and when it started tightening her leg only then she realized that there was a snake. And as she started screaming for help I was not sure of what to do as it was the first time in my whole life I was seeing a snake of such a length which is so near to us. And after few seconds I got back to the reality and somehow managed to say her not to move and be silent as it would not harm us. 

I know it’s a lie but I just made up my mind saying that and I rushed for the grandma for help. In the meantime a person from the tribal community who came by that side saw my sister drenched in fear with the snake that is crawling over her leg. As he approached her my other sister cried out for his help and though she could not understand the language he spoke she somehow managed to say what has happened. And after some kind of techniques which I am still unaware of, the person let my sister freed from that snake and he was waiting for our arrival like a guardian angel. And when I found my sister safe I was into tears as I was into hell of fear and literally crying with a thought that the snake would kill my sister.

And when I remember this incident now I regret for one thing, it’s that I haven’t even thanked that person who saved my sisters life and I was busy consoling her and speaking her about this. If I get another chance I would like to wish that great Samaritan a big thanks.

After this incident even our parents got a bit of fear and so we stayed there that night and the next day early morning itself we were on the bus for Coimbatore with such a terrific experience. 

This post is written for the Indiblogger contest:

Saturday, 24 March 2012

A traveler with diverging wits

Have you ever had the feeling of missing an excellent opportunity? Have you even had the opportunity of visiting incredible places in your life unexpectedly and you have totally wasted it to extreme? It just happened with me and my life a few years back. 

Yeah! I do regret for my carelessness. I did miss an excellent opportunity. I did neglect the most incredible moments of my life which would never replicate in my life.

But I do realize my mistakes now. I should have enjoyed my trip. The most incredible trip I have ever had in my whole life. I should have loved my trip rather grieving over my friend and her wickedness. But those were the days I could never able to bring back once again how hard I try. The most incredible road trip which I have missed just because of an unworthy friend and spent my days with loneliness accompanying me where I have even missed out to enjoy the Incredible Indian places.

So the story I am going to say is the real life experience of mine… Better grab your coffee/snack or anything and everything you need as you are in for a travel with me :) Get-set-go-Zoooooooooooooooom….

It was all planned that our school management has arranged for a trip in the month of September to the places from Coimbatore-Delhi-Jaipur-Kulu-Manali-Delhi-Coimbatore. And I was in my 10th grade and we started discussing over the trip for almost a month and decided to go for it. I was not much interested in going to this trip as me being a girl child was not allowed for any kind of trips at school and would always be accompanied by my parents. But this time the Best Friend Of Mine (BFOM) took so much pain in brainwashing me saying so many sweet things we are gonna share through this trip and made me accept. But it was such a big intricacy in getting the permission from my parents for which I had to cry and fast for a week. And finally we were set to get ready for the trip. I was all excited about the trip.

And the day has come for the trip and I was in the railway station. My mom dropped me to the Railway station and waited till the train moved and at the final wave of their hands i burst into tears which was not an intended one and it was the outcome of our true bonding with invaluable love between my mom and me. The train has started and i’m moving far far away from them. I felt a sudden darkness surrounding me and i was thrown into the lake of loneliness for the first time in my life. I have never felt anything like this before. Its so weird kind of feeling. I was unable to breath and tears doesn’t stop rolling over my cheeks. I was desperate without my mom actually.

After half an hour of tasting these weird feelings i remembered my friends around me speaking and chatting so happy. I wondered how they could be so happy no matter what has happened. I thought this is the reality of life and i tried to overcome my feelings which was found to be stupid and a theme for teasing me among my friends.

A new world was awaiting me in this trip which i was unaware of. I got up the next day realizing my journey in train with my fellow friends. I am not used to do my works by myself right from the moment i got up. But now i am left alone to do my own works. I was a bit embarrassed but realizing the situation i freshen up and was waiting for having my breakfast.

Me and my friends had a breakfast with cup noodles. Yuk! Such a terrible breakfast i ever had in ma whole life. It really sucks! Finishing up the breakfast i was unable to sit over and speak unlike my friends. I was very eager to visit new people and places. So i volunteered myself to visit the other compartments where my other friends are at. When i started my friends joined me too. It was so nice to see my school students and staffs to be the largest in the train.

When i crossed over one of the compartment i found few people asking money to our school guys. But these naughty guys were not giving money and instead was teasing them and commenting on them in English so that those people can’t understand what these guys are up-to and still waiting there for getting money. They are transgender. I was seeing such a kind of people for the first time and i couldn't recognize it. When i complained about the guys behavior to my friends they tell me that the people are transgender and that’s the reason these guys are teasing them.

How could people behave like an insane? People are people with flesh, blood and feelings what so ever may their gender and status be. I was dissatisfied by the way people treat transgender. I was arguing in support of them but my friends insisted me to be afraid of them saying they are cruel person and more unrelated facts about those people. Which made me fall into a big dilemma. What ever may be i am not with them to treat these people bad.

We came back to our compartment after a long walk and chat with other friends and even with strangers who were so caring towards us. The whole day was so enjoyable but still i had hard feelings and felt lonely without my parents. I have to wait for another 24hrs to speak with my parents as we might reach Delhi only on the next day morning.

The moment we stepped down in Delhi railway station I felt that I was going to have the best days of my life. It’s because I am in the capital of India and I was the proudest person among the group. But am not sure how many of my friends had such sensitivity towards that moment. We got 4 buses which was already been booked by my school authorities and went for the room to get freshen up so that we could have a clean visit to the tourist places. We have already had our breakfast in train (:’( Same Cup Noodles).

So we got ready for our visit by 11 am and started to see the memorable place for love TAJ MAHAL. Do you know how it’s like seeing one of the world wonders??? I was soooo excited in seeing the monument which was one of my life’s dreams. We reached TAJ MAHAL in 2 hrs and when I stepped out of the bus and saw it I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was like flying in the seventh heaven. The building was several hundred years old but you could not find a bit of dust over it. It looks so clean and beautiful like a pearl in the shell. Such a lovely place and I had a majestic feel when I was wondering over inside TAJ MAHAL.
Speaking of the architecture and paintings you could never beat those ages in this fast moving era. Those walls in TAJ MAHAL were carved with minute art works that makes you fall in love with those walls. On the whole the king Shah Johann was one of the people who have a very lovely sense of architecture. What so ever the purpose may be love or devotion I surrender myself to the art and architecture of the olden days which is incomparable with these modern day buildings.

We then moved on to visit Agra fort half hearted to come out of the lovely TAJ MAHAL. I actually took a number of snaps for making my visit a memorable one for my lifetime.  We completed our lunch on the way which was with chapattis and dhal (The traditional food of north Indians!) which we south Indian people find a bit difficult to digest (L) but still I loved the taste of the food which was totally different from ours. I learnt that each and every state has a specialty in making their own food stuffs just like our Idly and Dosa.

The Agra fort was quiet similar to red fort which I have seen in my history books and pictures. I liked it a lot because it was filled with different shapes and structure of walls and ceilings. You might see a variety of designs that attracts your eyes and heart. You can also see the storage wholes where the rain water is collected and gets purified and sent to the bathing place of princess. It was such a great idea which is done very technically those days without any tubes and pipes. (Great work huh???) We had a good time there and it was evening so that they asked us to go out (  we all were so eager that we would even stay there) so that they can close it. So unwilling we came out and decided to visit the parliament of our country. But we had a funny time over there too…

Have you ever been left of by your bestie??? Have you been felt damn lonely in this whole damn world??? Guess some of you might have experienced it. Am one among you guys. As a part of my tour i learnt clearly what people are? who are caring towards you for real? what people are upto? and what is the meaning of real friendship…

I had a best pal whom i was thinking to be my best friend and for whom i threw away a lot of really really caring people… But on this tour i was happened to experience the most unbearable pain of my whole life. We both had misunderstanding and as a result of it she left me alone with my other friends and spent the rest of her days in tour with her sissy. Can you realize what was i feeling like? I found the whole world turning towards me and felt i was been dumped inside a huge burrow from which i could never return back.

My remaining days of the tour went on without even a bit of enthusiasm arising from my heart and was in such a great depression. I was there in the tour only because of her constant compeltion but now i was left all alone in a new land without any hopes of moving my feelings back to normal. I started feeling homesick and was totally off the mood and i was badly in need of returning home. But something stopped me from saying my worries to my parents when i was speaking with them. It was the love and fear they had for me not knowing how i’m gonna manage my trip. When i say about these then they are gonna feel terribly sad. So i just kept this little (Not little though ) secret within my heart. I kept crying over and over each and every second to pass my time in that tour which stopped me from enjoying the rest of my tour    

I haven’t expressed any of these feelings to her till now and thus i gradually moved away from her ( the truth is she moved away though which made me move too ) and was happy with a few friends who really understood me and cared for me…

Anyways lets get back to my trip  We then went to Parliament which was already closed as we reached it around 6.30 p.m… Our principal requested for allowing us to visit the Parliament but the policemen denied it and so we all just took a quick look at the Parliament just from the bus and returned back to the hotel with a bit of disappointment.

The next day we took off to Jaipur, The Pink city. I was a bit excited to see the city as it was been said as Pink city. I thought all the buildings would be painted in Pink paint (:p stupid right?). But when we entered the city i could find a very dirty streets with dusted houses and pigs roaming all the way round in the city. Oops it was a terrific experience.  Though i loved the art and crafted clothing’s and accessories, Camel ride, and visit to the forts which was really nice place to visit though.

We had only a day to be spent in Jaipur and so we rushed back towards Kullu-Manali. It would be difficult if we aren’t starting soon as the weather forecasts were bad and we might get stuck in the middle of storm. So we started our long travel in bus to Kullu-Manali.

On the way to Kullu-Manali we happened to visit so many places where we learnt many things. We saw a small stream of water which was coming up from deep inside the ground to face the visitors like us with a hot and bubbling pressure which was so much of a surprise for us to see such heat water coming from those coolest place. That was a mind-blowing one which i would never forget my whole life

We got ready for traveling towards the hill top and at the bottom of the hill they provided each of us with a fur coat, cap, leather boots and gloves to prevent us from the coldness of the snowy mountain range. I was quiet excited after all my loneliness i tried enjoying the scenic views of the path towards the snow flaked mountain and it was the first time am gonna see the snow   We then reached the hill top of the snowy mountains of Kullu by the afternoon around 1 p.m and we had lunch over there.

On the way to the mountain the steep roads and the smell of fur coats and leather gloves which was unusual for me made me feel vomiting and when i got down at the hill top i was left with vomiting. And i had to try hiding it from my teachers as they will not allow me to visit the snowy mountain and play in snow. But the fate played tricky game. I took my lunch and went to wash my hands in the river which was flowing by the side of the hill. When i dipped my hand into it i got shocked with the chillness of the water and my hands became numb and in few minutes i lay down there fainting. I used to faint often those days and i am still unaware of the reason of it.

Seeing me fainting my principal took me to the bus and made first aid and i was alright in 15minutes and i was afraid to ask to the principal about my visit to the mountain top. But somehow i managed asking it to one of my teacher who gave me a reply i  was supposed to stay in the bus with another friend of mine who was sick too. This left me in tears and i was pleading them to take me. But it was in vein. We were left alone in the bus and all the others went to the snowy mountain and enjoyed a lot (???). We too enjoyed in bus (??) eating corn and speaking stories and taking a short walk in and around the area and playing in the water. By the end of 4 p.m they returned back and our travel started towards Delhi leaving the message that our trip is gonna end.

After two days of a very long journey we returned back to our city…. Ahhhh it was such a big relief to be at home after a very long gap of 10 days… Guess i left a few places like shopping in Delhi and the birla mandhir temple which we got to visit finally was one such place to be remembered ans it was incredibly a nice experience too... 

Thus my trip was with so much of mixed emotions and i have decided not to go out without my parents so long anymore…

P.S – I am never really sure whether this post might be an exact post for this contest as i have not provided an incredible or adventurous things here. But all i could say is what not to be done and how not to be feeling over a relation which makes my trip a sort of weird kind of adventurous one to be done with a huge crowd but yet to be felt lonely. It would be a lesson for a naive like me though. So guys, pardon me if i haven't satisfied your expectations. Everything in life is just a kinda experience to be shared right :) 

The food provided by my school authorities was the worst food i’ve ever had in my lifetime. The authorities must be aware of providing a healthy food to the students. Hope they are providing it well these days. 

And guys, once you have decided on a trip make sure you get to know about the place you are going to visit and the whereabouts of it so that you might not get lost in a new place and you can make yourself well planned of what to get, where to get and all... And above all knowing about the place might probably a best forecasting technique to safeguard you from the sudden climatic changes and foods of those places at-least you can make some kind of alternative and look upon that you do not starve :) 

I have posted this post for the Indiblogger contest from Mahindra

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

I love you Mom!

Dear Mom,
How could I ever forget your poise?
Your warmth that wraps me every night
Your love that sooths me every day

How could I ever neglect your concern?
Your sleepless nights to watch me sleep
Your sacrifices just to see me stay happy

How could I ever deny your ceaseless love?
You’re every single tear shed for my recovery
Your life long vows for my better prospect

Love you my dear mother,
For your never-ending love, concern and warmth
With your heartfelt elegance
In raising me from a toddler to an adult…

Love you always and forever mom
Till my soul is propelled to heaven… 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

For a blissful start……

I’ve always known what the abandonment and abuse is? Though haven’t enquired literally I have always laid at the edge of a thin line with several abandoning procedures and came over several abuses which I felt am not eligible for as I am just a normal child with hope and fantasies as far my own little world. But the society isn’t the same as we determine. It has a hell of inequalities for the children without the support of father and below the poverty line.

Being a kid I never had a second thought over the word FATHER at all… All I know is my one and only lovable MOTHER, who cares, scolds, beats, teaches and plays with me all through the day. I am not even sure of my age when I had a big question over my mind which every one of my friends started asking me “Hey where is your father?”… Whenever I hear of my friends speaking of APPA I would speak of my Uncle (Mother’s younger brother), MAMA. I have even thought that was the another name for their uncle or something which am not sure of it.

But when they started asking this question I had the million dollar question running over my mind. So I started asking to everyone in my family where my father is… But they said different answers and finally my mother said me “He is with GOD dear. Tell this to your friends”… I felt so happy and proud about it as only my father is with God. But after I realized that my father has expired and then after I learnt to accept the change and started saying to everyone who inquired me as he expired.

My mother was so-called-iron-lady who bought me up with so much trouble and she would buy me whatever I ask for but only after so many times of asking and she used to say me “Look papu… We are not millionaires. So mama can’t afford you to buy luxurious items. I would buy you anything you ask for only if I find it necessary and you must accept that and remember we need to save money for future and not to spend money unwontedly.”

I would hear it and I would probably understand her situation once I am grown up… But there was some times when I started pestering my mother a lot like some school functions, my birthday celebrations, school trips and all. But at one point I did understand the life and I turned out to be a good daughter. So that helped me in being a good daughter and a better human at present.

But who cares it? I have always been into a kind of abandonment among my father’s relatives. “That girl is such an unlucky soul. She killed her father to take a birth. It’s better to stay away from that kid and her mother.” was the usual phrase they would use and I haven’t seen them for very long years. Even if they unexpectedly see me they try to hurt me and neglect me and so were their children who looked me like an alien because of their parent’s misapprehension.

And the spell of the word abuse itself drags me to a world of anguish which I have undergone by each and every person I meet say my school mates, teachers and even strangers. Abuse may be of physical, mental and even sexually. And for a fact I have undergone all these three faced of hell in my life. I was always abused physically for being a middle-class girl child who do not offer her friends what they order for as they were from high-class, and to the teachers with partial nature who only supported the so called high-class-children and abusing the lower and middle class children as we do not offer them eatables and snacks daily, a car ride morning and evening and many other benefits obtained from them. 

And from the disgusting neighbors who always spoke badly about the father-less girl’s to be on a wrong path and which is why I was mentally upset for so long years and finally I turned up to be bold enough to face those dim-witted humans with quick bang which made them stop abusing me unwontedly and made me feel better.

And coming for the sexual abuse, being a girl child the callous men used to abuse with vulgar speeches, wicked looks and devastating behaviors which had a prime reason that my father is not there for protecting me from those stray dogs. But I proved them wrong as GOD has created me with enough of self-will and ability to face the problems and handle such cold-blooded animals.

So here I stand before you with a determination to face my own life single-handedly and I am now protected by one another human KK who is acting as a morale support for the past 4 years and has decided to spend the rest of his life with me. Guess I am a lucky child obviously as my father wanted me to live this life more than him and make him proud and look after my mother well forever till my life J

Why I say you all my story is that, I have the sole right to speak of child abandonment and abusing which is what I always try hard to be evaded from this world. Who else can speak better about this than me? But as we knew well, there are lakhs and lakhs of children being abandoned each day in some dustbins, ditches and orphanages which is mainly due to the reason of their parents who are not interested to bring up a girl child, or an illegal pregnancy result, or people falling below the poverty lines. 

Being with a single-parent itself made me suffer so much all through my life and just imagine children without both the parents and how on earth would they accept this and the cruel society which is keenly observing their each step forward to make them fall down with hell of abusing towards them. I always have likeability towards the orphans and bondage between the orphan kids. Sorry they are in fact called as GODS CHILDREN. And I will work hard till I die to serve those lovely kids and I would like to insist everyone out there to work over it to make a change in their life.

And speaking of abuse I strongly recommend each and every human (the real human being in this world) to fight for the child abuse, be it physical, mental or sexual. All we need is to bring up a child as a child by remembering them to be our futuristic men. I have been hearing off so many cruel reports more widely in recent days regarding the child abuse like the parents torturing their kids as they have some illegal relationship and the kid might say it to public, the kids being molested by the teachers, students, neighbors, strangers, and house maids and also I heard a man selling kids to foreign countries and if a kid is not been bought by anyone he would probably kill that child and eat the flesh which is one such vindictive act I could hear whole of my life. 

Children these days are not safe even with their parents, and if such situation continuous where on earth would they survive? The Indian law is very thin where there are several loopholes for the criminals to get escaped. So if I am in a position to rewrite the laws, I would make our country with punishments as they give in Saudi Arabia and I strongly think only then such merciless acts over the children might get reduced and atleast the children born after that would live on a peaceful surrounding without any abusing from the evil human race.

Change is inevitable for a blissful start for children and we must make a change as early as possible as the children life are at stake. 

This post is written for Indiblogger contest "Time for a Change"...