Sunday 12 August 2012

A transition...

Hello people!!!

I have finally joined in my aspiring course MSW (Masters of Social Work). I was having so many ideas running through my mind once I got relieved from my job. But since my childhood I was aspiring to become a social worker and once when I grew up I found MSW as a course which concurs with my long-lasting wish.

As a result of it obviously I went for an admission with MSW course and waiting for the college to get started with a new phase of my life. This is how I was thinking until I joined this course. But in this few days of time I realized few totally diverse thoughts about me and my ideas and guess this was really a transaction phase of my life. The few questions that I asked myself are:
      What am I really gonna do by learning this course?
       Am I gonna do social service to the people through this learning process?
       But why can’t I do it by being in some other work?
       Is it really necessary to stop working and go in for learning?
      And by learning this will I be able to serve people better?

I was such a naïve for all these days and even now. I am really not able to take a right decision I guess. But what so ever be the result is I have decided to go on with my studies and once decision is made there must not be any looking back. And the answers for these questions are:
      I always thought of helping and serving people. But never really had chance to do it nonchalantly. Though I am basically a person who would go for help voluntarily and at times I even put in few extra taken for fulfilling my wishes by going to orphanages and old age homes, I have no clear approach of how to move with people and handle all kind of people by handling my work with service and it directed me to minor time utilization for my obsession of serving. So by joining this course I would not have any work related stress and with some extra time usage I would be able to concentrate on my passion and make myself fit in right along with it. 
    Service basically doesn’t depend on the work or place or time a person is in. But it’s the effort he puts in whole heartedly in serving to his fellow people right from his own family and friends. Though I knew these well, I still wanted to make myself dedicated to my passion than running around for unrealistic money which weighs human beings these days despite of a persons character, love and affection towards each other even though they are our own family. 

Being a girl I have limited space to move on in this society but being a human being I have this whole world to wrap it under my love and affection. Thus this is quiet a transition in my life.
Your valuable suggestions are always accepted whole heartedly…

Wish me luck guys!!! 

Sunday 5 August 2012

A tribute to my friendship...

Hello all!!!

Friendship is the 2nd best thing which will happen to each and every living things on this earth next to our parents... Even animals celebrate a great deal of friendship than human beings apart from all kinds of selfishness, greediness, back bitings, fake affections and betrayals...

Though my life is a fusion of all such good and bad friendships, I do feel happy for being a girl who still believes in the word FRIENDSHIP and so as the persons called FRIENDS...

I have to offer a ton of thanks to my friends who made my world so special and who are still holding a special place in my heart...

  • My first and best childhood friend "Karpagam"
  • My first friend in my school and still she is ma good friend "Kaviya"
  • A friend who was close for around 5 years and gave me a life long pain in my heart (I still treasure your friendship da) "Kowsalya"
  • A friend who accepted me as I am and never bargained for anything with my Friendship "Anita, Ambica, Malathi, Saranya"
  • A friend who helped me a lot when am in great stress (Though am not in contact with you I still love you and will treasure your friendship till my death dear) "Vimala"
Though there are lots more friends to wish for their valuable friendship, these few friends made my life to live as i am today... Thanks a ton to you all... Love you all buddies :) :) :) 

On this friendship day, its MAYA wishing you all a HAPPY & JOYOUS FRIENDSHIP DAY with all those good old memories we had with our friends which makes our life beautiful to live on...